The Face

*NOTE: Pretty much anyone can make him give "The Face", but it makes it more dramatic when I specify myself as the command-giver.
Y'see - it's a little play on words while pulling in a small bit of 1996 pop culture at the same time. I'm clever like that.
In that vein - I am going to honor my second posting by trying two types of posting a video of my 1st son saying "Daddy" TO me for the first time. First - here is the URL:
Secondly - here is the html code to embed it into the blog (don't know if it will work):
This is a test, to show my little brother how Blogger is a nice free alternative to getting your own website.
Lochlain anecdote of the day:
Loch had a messy BM yesterday and Mommy needed help changing him. So I got out of bed and I played a game of "peekaboo" with him as his mother re-dressed him. I would dart in & out of his doorway - leaving his line of sight. At one point Loch said "Where's Daddy?" and (unbeknownst to me) was let go by his mom to come find me. When he saw me outside his doorway, he shouted "There he is!" and almost gave me a messy BM of my own, as he scared the crap out of me.