Sunday, February 07, 2010

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving WAS a long time ago - but I remember it like it was yesterday. Well, not really. But I do recall that We had our first Thanksgiving here in North Carolina, and Dad & Feather came down to help us celebrate it in style!

They arrived either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. They were certainly present for Pizza Night (every Wednesday)!! We ate pizza and afterwards had a memorial birthday for Bean with LOTS of presents and some weird cake Feather made in some weird pan. Orginally, it was supposed to be a Yodel Ice Cream cake but they don't have Yodels down here. So we used some sort of horrible knockoff (I think they were Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls - yuck).
See? Pizza Night!

Loch and Sean "help" with the presents!

Thanksgiving Day brought with it a lazy day of playing, parade watching and preparation for Thanksgiving dinner! I remember there was a problem with the turkey taking FORever to cook - but the bacon-wrapped green beans were the hit of the night! Plus, there was a last-minute gravy creation (Me: So, where's the gravy? Bean: GRAAAAAAAAVY?) that was actually one of the best gravies I ever had. And of course, more of that weird cake.
Here we see just who lost the "Who gets to be Elektra" contest.

El bandido del oso

El bandido toma una siesta

Now how did we fit all that stuff into Friday? Dad and Feather flew out that evening, but during the day we went to the park for five minutes (Hay-zoos it was friggin' cold) where Loch impressed Peepah with his monkey bar skills. Then we had lunch at Chik-Fil-A, where Loch renewed his bovine love affair with their mascot. Feather was also able to help us update an old family photo she took back in Aught Seven.

When we said "Put on a jacket" Peepah, we meant a coat!

He'll come at you like a spider monkey!

Rocket Loch and his Sterling Crew!

"I love you, Anthopomorphic Cow."

April 2007

November 2009

No sooner had I said "Farewell" to my father and sister did I jump in my car and drive to meet them in NJ for a wedding - the wedding of my 1st cousin once removed Sarah Meagher Burns! It was a beautiful ceremony and I think most of the reception was a lot of fun, too. I wouldn't know because Dad, Feath, Gail and Joe offered to give me a ride. We would arrive later. But it was a fun trip!
My Sisters and Me

A historic meeting...John Joseph Burns meets John Joseph Meagher
I hope Sarah isn't saying "Feather - get your brother away from my husband!"
though that is what it looks like she is saying.


Our cat Pretty had to be put to sleep before Christmas - the above pic was not the reason why.
It sparked some....interesting conversations with the boys. They wanted me to go to Heaven
and bring the cat back; I had to break the news that it was a one-way trip.


Blogger The Triscuit's Dad said...

Little Debbie's Swiss Cake Rolls are AWESOME. Good quality at much cheaper than Hostess/Drake prices. Do NOT blame them for your weird cake.

2/8/10, 2:26 PM  
Blogger KISS Fan said...

Was the Pizza ordered "on-line"?????

2/8/10, 6:45 PM  
Anonymous kathyc said...

I love all the pictures!! And glad you all are doing well. So sorry about your cat. Actually, I didn't know you had a cat!

2/8/10, 6:59 PM  
Blogger feathermar said...

It was a ZIPPER cake! And it was in a springform pan. For any of you interested in the magic of the yodel cake, I will be happy to explain it to you at a later date! Don't try to make it in NC, though, because Harris Tweeter doesn't carry Drakes Products!
On another note, I like your hazy recollections and gravy talk. I thought all of the parts of Thanksgiving dinner were delicious and Beanie is a Meaghervalous cook! Ba-dum-bum!

2/9/10, 7:28 PM  
Blogger feathermar said...

And we made Mom's cookies and you ate plenty of them for dessert and we went to Hobby Lobby!

2/9/10, 7:30 PM  
Blogger feathermar said...

What happened next, John?

3/5/10, 9:46 PM  
Blogger feathermar said...


It's July!

7/17/10, 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Feather said...

And now it's past Thanksgiving: the sequel.

11/30/10, 2:09 PM  
Anonymous feathermar said...

The one year anniversary of the last time you posted, plus a few days...

2/17/11, 3:52 PM  
Blogger feathermar said...

And a month after that.

3/22/11, 8:25 PM  
Blogger feathermar said...

Are you gonna blog my wedding?

9/8/11, 4:55 PM  

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