How The Heck Did I NOT Die?
A few days after my 36th birthday, Sean had his 7 week visit to the Doctor for his first set of shots. I bring up my birthday because the occasion made me dig up my Baby Book, which as Child #1, is nicely filled out with many bits of information. Information, that as I read it, made me agape with awe at how 36 years has changed the nature of childrearing. I shall compare as best as I can:
Sean at 7 weeks:
Weight: 11 lbs., 10 oz
Length: 22.75 inches
Notes: Received 1st set of shots, Recovering from Thrush, Doing Great!
Diet: Breast milk
Me at 8 weeks:
Weight: 11 lbs., 6 oz.
Length: not recorded
Notes: No shots (1st shot not received until 3 months old), has conjunctivitis, may need feet straightened
Diet: 1 qt whole milk scalded (w/skim taken off top), .6 cc vitamin, 2 oz. orange juice, cereal 2x a day, veg&fruit 1x day
And by the way, I was eating the above regimen at 1 month old. Sean's not going to get cereal for another 2 months, baby food for about 4 more months, and vitamins or whole milk for another 10 months. And he's doing great! He now smiles socially and coos. Sometimes, if you go "Oooooooh" to him, he tries to do it back (and succeeds)! He likes it when Mommy sings "Seanie, Seanie, Seanie, Sean-nie" and lets out a weird laugh.
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Loch's words lately have revolved around his favorite things - Baby Einstein DVDs, animals, Baby Einstein DVDs about animals ("show?", "SHOW!", "piggy", "horsey"), food ("Mmmmm, geenbeans" "mmmmm, carrots", "mmmm, peas", "mmmm, corn"), and because of all the rain lately, his jacket (" jack-et"). And there was the time he put his jacket in his mouth ("Mmmmmm, jack-et").
Sean at 7 weeks:
Weight: 11 lbs., 10 oz
Length: 22.75 inches
Notes: Received 1st set of shots, Recovering from Thrush, Doing Great!
Diet: Breast milk
Me at 8 weeks:
Weight: 11 lbs., 6 oz.
Length: not recorded
Notes: No shots (1st shot not received until 3 months old), has conjunctivitis, may need feet straightened
Diet: 1 qt whole milk scalded (w/skim taken off top), .6 cc vitamin, 2 oz. orange juice, cereal 2x a day, veg&fruit 1x day
And by the way, I was eating the above regimen at 1 month old. Sean's not going to get cereal for another 2 months, baby food for about 4 more months, and vitamins or whole milk for another 10 months. And he's doing great! He now smiles socially and coos. Sometimes, if you go "Oooooooh" to him, he tries to do it back (and succeeds)! He likes it when Mommy sings "Seanie, Seanie, Seanie, Sean-nie" and lets out a weird laugh.