Everything New Is Old Again
The French said it best - "Plus de choses changent, plus qu'ils restent la même chose." For those of you who did not have Mrs. Freidman for French III, that roughly translates to: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
My case in point - please, tell me who this strapping young lad is:
-EEHHHHH!- Wrong! I know, I know - it looks like Loch. But it isn't. It's his Peepah, taken back in 1939. OK - Let's try again. Who's this Frowny Fred:
-EEHHHHH!- Wrong AGAIN! I tricked you with a black & white photo of Loch! Ok - try again:
OK, I see you are hesitant to answer now. You KNOW I'm just nutty enough to dress Loch up to make him look like his grandfather to try to trick you. But you also know I'm TOO lazy to actually do the work. So yeah, it's another pic of Lochain's grandfather (my Dad) from '39. To even it up, here's another pic of Loch for comparison:
PYSCH! This is a pic of Carter Meagher doing her Palsy Rich impression. Now I know that it is an inside joke, but for those of you in on it, it is HIL-arious. Man, I bet you did not see that coming.
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Well, actually, they are sentences now. Loch's first sentence was a couple of weeks ago: "The juice is yucky." But this week, he impressed the ladies at his daycare with 2 new ones: "Baby Sean at home" and "Baby Sean sits here". He's also been know to say "I miss you" while "talking" on his phone and "I got you" while wrestling with Daddy. Yeah, he's the next Great American Orator - look out Daniel Webster!
My case in point - please, tell me who this strapping young lad is:

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Well, actually, they are sentences now. Loch's first sentence was a couple of weeks ago: "The juice is yucky." But this week, he impressed the ladies at his daycare with 2 new ones: "Baby Sean at home" and "Baby Sean sits here". He's also been know to say "I miss you" while "talking" on his phone and "I got you" while wrestling with Daddy. Yeah, he's the next Great American Orator - look out Daniel Webster!
That's amazing. I love you guys.
Always an adventure with the Meagher family.
Dad and Loch - both cute little buggers. No joke.
Though it would be funny if I wrote "cute little burgers". I'm just saying...
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