Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The More Things Change aka I Have A Short Story About That

Real quick story related to me by my wife from the other day.

Setup: Lochlain and Sean have started a new daycare - The Primrose School (look it up). This means leaving old friends of 3 years behind and making new ones.

Mommy and Lochlain are going into his classroom - after hanging coat and bookbag up, the first order of business is handwashing. Sophia greets Lochlain everyday - and on this day skips up to the sink as Loch is washing his hands, puts her elbows up on the counter next to him, places her head dreamily on her folded hands and says: "Lofflain (she calls him Loff-lain), what WAS that you saying to me yesterday that was SOOOO funny?" Aside to Jeanine: "He was sooo funny yesterday and was making me laugh..tee-hee!"


By the way, the thing that was sooooo funny? Lofflain repeating the word "applesauce".

At least she hasn't mentioned marriage yet.