Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Lochlain!!

And so it was, 3 years ago today, that Lochlain James Meagher entered the world. Weighing in at 8 lbs., 7 oz and measuring 21" long, the Lochinator now weighs more than 4x his birth weight and has gotta be at least 2x the height (but we'll have official totals next week after his checkup). Check out the progression:

Lochlain - 3 days old. Fun Fact: Daddy changed his first diaper!

Lochlain - 1 year old. Fun Fact: Lochlain has already been walking for over 3 months!

Lochlain - 2 years old. Fun Fact: Lochlain loves spoons and carries them wherever he goes.

Lochlain - 3 years old. Fun Fact: Lochlain has gone native - he used the phrase "right quick" in conversation with Mommy and Daddy the other day.

We went to Lochlain's daycare today for his birthday party. Lochlain picked out a Spiderman theme, so we had Spiderman plates, napkins, and gift bags for all his friends (did you know there was black playdoh?). We also brought some cupcakes and cheese doodles to put on those plates. Here are pictures of everyone having a good time:

Loch's class enjoying their cupcakes and cheese doodles - some enterprising young ladies even dipped their cheese doodles in their icing......

Now,the funny thing about this picture is that Loch is telling Bean that he really doesn't like his cupcake, yet he...won'

Of course, I thought the real highlight to be when the class got together to sing "Happy Birthday" to Lochlain:

Though maybe it did go to his head a little - as evidenced by the following picture of him showing off his physique:

"Tickets to the Gun Show are HOW MUCH?!?!?!?!?"

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sean's 1st Haircut

..was today. He took it (while sucking on a banana-flavored Dum Dum lollipop) like a champ - while his older brother (whose haircut numbered his 7th or 8th) cried and carried on like a little girl (or perhaps more accurately like his mother, who had the audacity to demand that I now give her a little golden curly-haired girl else she start dressing one of the boys up as one). We saved a lock of his wispy golden curls for his baby book - here are a couple of pics from the event:

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

To the Spoiled Go The Spoils

Probably Not The Only Sean To Run Around The Lynch Household In His Diaper on Christmas Eve

So our two boys ended up opening presents from relatives on Christmas Eve eve, went to their first Christmas Eve party at the Lynches, opened more presents from Santa Christmas morning (at two different houses), from more relatives Christmas evening, from random aunts the following weekend and yet again from Santa on New Year's Eve once we returned home to NC. Part of me is thankful that they are able to have this kind of largesse, another part is aghast at how spoiled my children are, and then another part is slightly jealous because God knows I never got this many gifts when I was a kid (and the Bean agrees).

Here is a pic of Christmas morning that I took at Peepah's house (notice I am the one missing):

There are a lot of great photos at Feather's site, specifically here, here and here. I stole this one of the boys from there:
One of the things we discovered recently about Sean is that if you want some attention from him you simply have to drape his Linus-like blankie over yourself and declare yourself "Blankie [Insert Your Name Here]". Here are some examples:

Blankie Lochlain

Blankie Mommy

Also, if you didn't get a holiday card from us, I probably lost your address or used the wrong label set. Here's the picture we used - Happy New Year!