To the Spoiled Go The Spoils
Probably Not The Only Sean To Run Around The Lynch Household In His Diaper on Christmas Eve
So our two boys ended up opening presents from relatives on Christmas Eve eve, went to their first Christmas Eve party at the Lynches, opened more presents from Santa Christmas morning (at two different houses), from more relatives Christmas evening, from random aunts the following weekend and yet again from Santa on New Year's Eve once we returned home to NC. Part of me is thankful that they are able to have this kind of largesse, another part is aghast at how spoiled my children are, and then another part is slightly jealous because God knows I never got this many gifts when I was a kid (and the Bean agrees).Here is a pic of Christmas morning that I took at Peepah's house (notice I am the one missing):

There are a lot of great photos at Feather's site, specifically here, here and here. I stole this one of the boys from there:
One of the things we discovered recently about Sean is that if you want some attention from him you simply have to drape his Linus-like blankie over yourself and declare yourself "Blankie [Insert Your Name Here]". Here are some examples:
Also, if you didn't get a holiday card from us, I probably lost your address or used the wrong label set. Here's the picture we used - Happy New Year!
One of the things we discovered recently about Sean is that if you want some attention from him you simply have to drape his Linus-like blankie over yourself and declare yourself "Blankie [Insert Your Name Here]". Here are some examples:
Blankie Mommy
Also, if you didn't get a holiday card from us, I probably lost your address or used the wrong label set. Here's the picture we used - Happy New Year!

You guy look wonderful.
Happy holidays!
I'm so upset that I didn't get to see the boys this time around.
It looks like you guys had an amazing Christmas.
I miss you.
...and a happy New Year!
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