Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Screw The Great Pumpkin, We're Getting Candy!

Yes, it's that time of year again. I let the boys (well, Lochlain was the only one paying attention) stay up last night to watch some of It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Loch really seemed to like it - he sat glued to the couch while it was on and was a little distressed to have to miss the rest. The one thing that came out of it was the discovery that Loch really wanted to go Trick-or-Treating, and not sit in a pumpkin patch.

The boys first exposure to "Trick-or-Treat" was earlier this afternoon, when their daycare sponsored "Trunk-or-Treat" - volunteer parents decorate their trunks and dole out candy to each of the classes as they parade around the parking lot (in New York, the boys' Uncle Joe has followed a similar routine to get cheap deli meats). Bean and I were their handing out cookie products:

Lochlain was Diego, and Seanie was a lion. Seanie refused to wear his "mane" and practiced his "No pictures!" pose while Lochlain pretty much saw this as an opportunity to practice saying "Trick or treat!" and "Thank you!":

We got home early, had a quick dinner and then met our next door neighbors Angie & Dave with their kids Ava and Jackson to go ToT (the now-official abbreviation for Trick-or-Treat). It was a real nice experience, as we ran into a lot of neighborhood people out there. While we were out, we left a HUUUGE tub of candy with the sign pictured at the beginning of the post on our front stoop (which was just about emptied by the time we returned less than 90 minutes later). We get more kids here in one night than in all our previous years as husband and wife on LI....

So there were the boys in their costumes - they got the ToT routine down rather well, though we had to keep Loch from a) going INSIDE people's houses, and b) going to knock on the door if the homeowner(s) were already waiting for us. In my last post, I gave a quick update about Seanie's lates checkup. Well, we have been slightly concerned because Seanie doesn't appear to talk too much - whereas Loch was chatting up a storm at this age. Well, we can now add "ToT" and a very clear "Thank You" to his vocab. People kept asking me how old he was and were amazed that a 15 month old said those two phrases so well. Here is something else he did well:

All in all, it went really well - I can tell because I am exhausted and achy.

Monday, October 29, 2007

SeanWatch - Day 477

Seanie went to the doctor today for a checkup. He got 4 shots - the doctor wanted to give him 5, but Mommy drew the line at 4. I, of course, could find little difference between 4 or 5 shots - but then again, I wasn't the one getting stuck with the needle. Here are Seanie's stats:

Height: 25 lbs., 10 oz. (90th percentile)

Weight: 33 ¼ inches (75th percentile)

Head size is normal, natch.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall Photos Addendum

Aunt Feather did some cool comparisons at her Flickr site - take a look!

Also, Feather told me today she met Ernie Anastos - but didn't get a photo op with him. Here's what it might have looked like.......

Ah, crap. Blogger's "add image" button isn't working. Go here to see my quick little photo gag.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fall Photos!

Just a quick blurb - the boys took their twice yearly photos at their daycare last week, and they came out great!!

Sean Richard, 15 months old

Lochlain James, 2 ¾ years old

The Brothers Meagher

We went to the annual Fall Festival across the street at Bur-Mil Park last Saturday - you can find the mostly uninteresting pictures here. One thing you may notice is that Lochlain grew very attached to one of the Chik-Fil-A cows that were roaming the festival giving away coupons for free sandwiches. He even started yelling at other kids to "Leave the cow alone" and to "Stop bothering" the cow. Funny stuff.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Birthday, Peepah!

Today is Peepah's birthday! We called him and sang - the following video is really just for Peepah as it details our side of the call:

Sorry, Uncle Richie. Uncle Richie's Birthday was Sept. 29th - I called him on his birthday. It was not an interesting call (in terms of telling the viewing public). I promised him a video - and he will get one as soon as we can think of a good scenario.

POTTY TRAINING UPDATE: The pishes continue to improve. Poopies are still out of reach - though Lochlain wanted to look at it tonight as he just missed going poopy on the potty. I am told that this is a good thing. "It looks like cake", said Lochlain. Seanie continues to wear diapers.

RANDOM SEANIE FACT: Seaniebear laughs a great little baby laugh when you say "Yo!" to him.

The Thing Bean Wants You To Know: Lochlain now will pepper his talk with some Spanish (as in the video above). He counts to 5 (though he says "punyo" instead of "uno" and will not be corrected), will say "gracias" instead of "thank you" and "¡Ayudarme!" instead of "Help me!" (by the way, it's not as if he is in mortal peril daily, he just likes to play "Diego").