...was this past Wednesday. Around 11 AM, I received a phone call from the boys' daycare saying that Sean had woken up from his morning nap in distress, was sounding a little raspy, and maybe I should come and at least look in on him if not outright pick him up. So I said I was on my way, went to inform Bean (who ended up coming with), and we jumped in the car to make the 5 minute drive. On the way there, I received a call on my cell saying that Sean was having a lot of trouble breathing and that they were going to call 911. I passed the phone to Bean to finish the conversation, and we made the 5 minute trip in 2 minutes. We walked in and were met with the sight of Seanie in just a diaper, visibly upset, and making weird breathing sounds. He was trying to cry, but it was like all he could do was get in enough O2 to barely stay conscious (anytime his eyes would flutter I would call out his name and he would respond and look directly at me - so that was slightly comforting to me in a weird way). And that was the scariest moment of my adult life to date. It got better from there, of course. As the paramedics arrived, he was already breathing a bit easier and crying a bit. As they monitored him and did their thing, his vitals were strong, and he started to wail, which was music to everyone's ears. We ended up going to hospital and getting chest x-rays, but everything came back negative (though he did have a slight fever and an ear infection). In fact, I would say in about 30-45 minutes after that horrible moment, Sean was back to normal - good coloring, good spirits, laughing, talking, etc. His mother and I could've killed him.................................
Other than that, life has been pretty good - though pretty busy. Bean's been off to Canada for work (and is going to Mexico in a few weeks), I have secured permanent employment with AIG United Guaranty (where I have been a contractor for the last 8 months), and the boys have been growing, learning, and playing. The pool across the street opened up Memorial Day weekend, and we have been a few times since then. Here is Loch and myself playing in the sprinkler portion:
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Loch is big on to tattling on his little brother. Sean like to get into the cat's food dish. Loch will yell at him saying: "NO, Seanie - no! No eat cat food!" loud enough for his mommy to hear. Then, last weekend, he came to the foot of the stairs and yelled up to me: "DA-ddy! Seanie's eating cat food!" Speaking of eating, Loch likes to use the word "delicious" and the phrase "I don't like it" (usually said with a dramatic hand flourish) when the situation calls for it.
SEAN'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Seanie will now say "Uh-oh" seemingly appropriately, and I could swear he mimicked me the other day and repeated: "All done"
CANDY OF THE WEEK: Twerpz by Hershey's - these things must have
The Stuff in them, because they are delicious and addictive. I have a bunch of people hooked on them at work - and I am their supplier.
I leave you with the musical stylings of Lochlain J. Meagher - ENJOY!!!