Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Marv-elous Weekend

Yok, Yok. It's a funny title because Aunt Marv came to visit this weekend. We didn't do much, but it was a fun and relaxing weekend. On Saturday (once Aunt Marv got up), we went down to the park to play:

Traveling to the park

Sockin' Lochlain!

Seanie slept the entire time!

Even Mommy had time to teach Lochlain new ways to use the slide.
Bad Mommy.

Of course, all that playing around took its toll - and after several rousing guitar solos, Lochlain fell asleep in his chair.

Another exciting event during the weekend was Seanie starting to really crawl on his own, even if it was in a wormy way. Bean put him on the floor at one point and left him alone a few minutes and he managed to get under his exersaucer:

And then there was all the furor to catch it on film:

All the crawling nonsense didn't stop Seaniebear from conning Aunt Marv into taking him on walkabout:

The last time Aunt Marv did this (with Loch), she threw her back out. Thankfully, that did not happen this time.

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: 'You're dead to me' - said to his Aunt Gail via speakerphone earlier this evening, upon learning that she would not be attending Easter dinner at his house.

Monday, March 05, 2007

My Two Sons

The boys have been a slight handful lately - Lochlain is testing boundaries as we try to potty train him and get rid of B-I-N-K-Y (er, sorry - used to spelling it to Bean). Jeanine likes to tell Lochlain: "I don't like that binky!" to which Lochlain will reply "I love binky!" Sometimes Bean will take the binky away from Lochlain and throw it into another room - to which Lochlain will say: "Oh No! Binky!" and promptly chase after it. He also got into the vaseline again...but we were onto him quicker this time (just had it on his hands).

Seanie wants to walk - BADLY. He is doing a kind of worm like movement now when left on his own - he'll get up on all four knees as if he is about to crawl, then jump forward like a jungle cat pouncing on some unfortunate prey (the prey usually being his Mommy). And that kid can move in his walker! I have been thinking about racing him, but I can't really find any other Dads around here who want to have their kids compete.

If you're not doing anything for Easter - you're invited to our house. My new plan is to make Easter a big mish-mash of all sorts of guests. Should be a lot of fun - just like these videos:

Loch Star:

And for you Seanie fans: