Monday, January 19, 2009
Somebody Turned 4 This Weekend...
...and I think you know who it was: Number 16 in your programs, but Number One in your hearts...Master....Lochlain.....MEAGHER!!!!
It was a busy weekend - and it all started with a trip to the Emergency Room. On Thursday Loch slipped on a wet patch of floor at daycare and cut his mouth something awful. It was so bad it appeared he bit right through just below his bottom lip. So, Bean and I left work and rushed him over to the nearby hospital where it was declared just to be cut on both inside and outside the lip and no stitches or glue was needed (instead we had to go thru the nightmarish ritual of penicillin and salt water irrigation of the mouth - yay!). I don't believe you can even see it too well in the pictures that follow.
Peepah came to visit this weekend as well - somewhat narrowly avoiding that crash into the Hudson. When the plane crash was first announced, the limited details that we had heard (while in the emergency room with Lochlain) was that it was a US Airways flight (Dad's airline) from LaGuardia (where Dad's flight was) bound for North Carolina (where Dad was going). Luckily for us it was not Dad's flight, and he arrived safe and sound Thursday evening, albeit 2.5 hours late.
While Peepah was here, he did many things:

Worked while the boys ate breakfast

Played with the boys

Watched movies with the boys

Read bedtime stories to the boys
It was a busy weekend - and it all started with a trip to the Emergency Room. On Thursday Loch slipped on a wet patch of floor at daycare and cut his mouth something awful. It was so bad it appeared he bit right through just below his bottom lip. So, Bean and I left work and rushed him over to the nearby hospital where it was declared just to be cut on both inside and outside the lip and no stitches or glue was needed (instead we had to go thru the nightmarish ritual of penicillin and salt water irrigation of the mouth - yay!). I don't believe you can even see it too well in the pictures that follow.
3 Generations of Meagher Men
Peepah came to visit this weekend as well - somewhat narrowly avoiding that crash into the Hudson. When the plane crash was first announced, the limited details that we had heard (while in the emergency room with Lochlain) was that it was a US Airways flight (Dad's airline) from LaGuardia (where Dad's flight was) bound for North Carolina (where Dad was going). Luckily for us it was not Dad's flight, and he arrived safe and sound Thursday evening, albeit 2.5 hours late.
While Peepah was here, he did many things:

Worked while the boys ate breakfast

Played with the boys

Watched movies with the boys

Read bedtime stories to the boys
And of course, attended party after party after party! Loch had 3 parties this year - 1 at school, 1 at home and 1 at the Greensboro Children's Museum. On Friday afternoon Mommy, Peepah and I brought some cupcakes and Cheez Doodles into Loch's daycare classroom and had a nice time with all of Loch's classmates. When we got home, Loch received a balloon delivery from Aunt Marv and a cool Blogcard from Aunt Feather! Friday evening saw a small family party where Loch opened his presents - including a brand new bicycle with training wheels (Peepah supplied a helmet with elbow and kneepads)! Saturday's party was at the aforementioned Children's Museum and was a ton of fun - we saw about 16 kids and their parents attend to eat cake and ice cream and play with all the interactive exhibits.

To divert the manic energy of the sugar highs, an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
is shown - my lap is not big enough to accomodate everyone (no matter what my wife
says) - though they try...Lord, do they try

Loch loved the balloons Aunt Marv sent!

Batman cake and ice cream

Taking an airplane ride with Soren

Working the Pizza Parlor with Seanie, Carty and Soren

Finishing up the afternoon on stage with a bongo solo
Loch's classmates wish him a Happy Birthday!

"In brightest day, in blackest night - no cupcake shall escape my sight!"

Peepah steals some screentime

"In brightest day, in blackest night - no cupcake shall escape my sight!"

Peepah steals some screentime

To divert the manic energy of the sugar highs, an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
is shown - my lap is not big enough to accomodate everyone (no matter what my wife
says) - though they try...Lord, do they try

Loch loved the balloons Aunt Marv sent!

Batman cake and ice cream

Taking an airplane ride with Soren

Working the Pizza Parlor with Seanie, Carty and Soren

Finishing up the afternoon on stage with a bongo solo
Lochlain had a great time and loved everything - cake, balloons, clothes, toys, ice cream, playing with friends. We (Mommy, Peepah and I) were exhausted - I still am.
WTF? Department:
WTF? Department:
Um, unicorns? Rainbows? Seriously? Where did we get this from?
Nekkid Baby Detectives
"I Missed It The First Time!" Department: We were having dinner Sunday night and were all engaged in lively conversation. Too lively for Seaniebear - who starts pounding his fist on the table while shouting "Silence!". Yeah, we lost it too. Now, I still haven't learned to carry our camera around wherever I go, so we had to recreate the has lost some of its gravitas, but that Seaniebear is still pretty darn funny: