Tuesday, April 10, 2007

If I Know Feather Meagher.....

...she's already posted all the photos from Easter weekend on her Flickr site. But that won't stop me from stealing a couple and posting them here. I am also going to try a new publishing format, so bear with me.

What a great weekend! First, Tatter came by on Friday. We didn't do anything exciting that night, but it was nice to have the company. On Saturday, after the ladies took Seanie to the doctor (for a nasty ear infection) and went food shopping, I went and picked Aunt Feather up at the airport - but while we were gone, Ed, Roly, and Annmarie showed up!
Then, I finally arrived back at the house with Feather. It was nice to have everyone hang out and catch up. Ed and Seanie discussed weighty matters while Loch hung out with Ams on the couch .Here are a couple of other things that happened:
Loch played the drums for our guests

Seanie led us in a group prayer.

Bean and I got a babysitter for the boys so that all the adults could go out for dinner. I would like to show pictures from the aftermath of that evening, but this is a family website - and I have to admit that even I have certain standards that I follow. The one segment I can show is when Feather proposed to Ed - making, if it had been accepted, the newest power couple - FED!

Feather, dreamy-eyed and lovesick, proposes to Ed and whispers Sweet Nothings in his ear.....

Can she win him over?

Alone again, naturally......

FED Reunited!

Good times, good times. Finally, Easter Sunday arrived. We had baskets for the boys and communal one for the adults (Loch had the Elmo basket and Seanie had the monkey).

Dinner was great (though it consisted of "am" foods which I "am" not a big fan of) - I was going to say a little something, but Aunt Feather insisted that there had to be a big toast and wanted to say it. After waiting for everyone to settle in - here was how she inaugurated Easter for the North Carolina Meaghers and their guests:

Yeah - wow.
Feather's inspiring and uplifting speech aside, it was really nice for me to be surrounded by my extended family on Easter:

Afterwards, we had an Easter Egg hunt for Lochlain in the backyard:

Then it was pretty much time for the ol' Easter nap - all that fun wore me out!


Blogger The Triscuit's Dad said...

1st post backatcha.

Sorry we couldn't be there - Carter would have liked to have Loch show her how to find eggs a little faster.

Not so sure how I feel about the new format. You make me click on lots of pictures so I can actually see them. I'm already getting carpal tunnel; why do want to make life harder for me?

4/12/07, 11:42 PM  
Blogger I said...

I may as well put this out there now - I have a cold (thanks to going from 80 to 50 degree weather). I started this entry on Tuesday night, right after taking Nyquil. Woo boy, there was a mistake. I ended up making less and less sense as I fell asleep at the keyboard. I did not get back to completing it until tonight (Thursday). The new format will not be staying - as you can see - I went back to the old format pretty early in the blog.

4/12/07, 11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whichever format you choose, I like all the entries- it looks like you had a great time with all of your visitors Easter week and I'm looking forward to going to see you sometime too!

4/13/07, 8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number 1- You forgot to mention Loch in the cult of Tatter...Boy, does he love Tatter.
Number 2- You previewed your toast all over the place, and it was never going to live up to expectations (yours), so I've saved you...from yourself.
Number 3- Ed Katuna hasn't seen the last of me yet...Feather always gets her man...

4/14/07, 10:34 AM  

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