John's Your Uncle*
Well, not YOUR uncle. HIS Uncle:

I introduce to you Brendan Michael Thiele - my newest nephew, and coincidentally, my godson. Huzzah! Born 01/20/07 and weighing in at 6 lbs, 15 ozs and 20 inches long - he's a cutie!
But so is Seanie, who once again escaped our North Carolina compound, fled South of The Border, and became a Mexican street urchin / pickpocket:
And then there is Lochlain - Loch Mess, the Lochinator, Loch-a-doc, Cap'n Loch - the list goes on and on. The Terrible Twos have, as the month of March might put it, come in like a lion. A large, fierce lion with big, pointy, nasty teeth. He had his 2 year checkup last Thursday - a 37.75" (the nurse had to measure him twice because she was sure that couldn't be the correct measurement) / 32.5 lb engine of destruction. He's in the 97th percentile for height and 95th percentile for weight. And while I wouldn't say it's an orange on a toothpick, his giant melon is in the 90th percentile for head size. I hear it's going to slow down a bit according to other parents who had been in the same boat......but we'll see. Here is playing in his Super Fort - a gift from his Aunt Tatter:

*BLOGGER'S NOTE: I realize that while I am tickled pink over this very clever blog title, many of you would not get it. So here it is.
But so is Seanie, who once again escaped our North Carolina compound, fled South of The Border, and became a Mexican street urchin / pickpocket:
And then there is Lochlain - Loch Mess, the Lochinator, Loch-a-doc, Cap'n Loch - the list goes on and on. The Terrible Twos have, as the month of March might put it, come in like a lion. A large, fierce lion with big, pointy, nasty teeth. He had his 2 year checkup last Thursday - a 37.75" (the nurse had to measure him twice because she was sure that couldn't be the correct measurement) / 32.5 lb engine of destruction. He's in the 97th percentile for height and 95th percentile for weight. And while I wouldn't say it's an orange on a toothpick, his giant melon is in the 90th percentile for head size. I hear it's going to slow down a bit according to other parents who had been in the same boat......but we'll see. Here is playing in his Super Fort - a gift from his Aunt Tatter:

*BLOGGER'S NOTE: I realize that while I am tickled pink over this very clever blog title, many of you would not get it. So here it is.
Congratulations, Godfather!!
Cor' blimey! Congratulations! Bobb's your uncle! heh! and oddly enough, Denis Motherway says hello!
I really like the self-reference in the picture of Seanie, sir. So, what's Loch doing that's so terrible?
Later alligator...
Congratulations godparent!
I am loving the pictures - all of them. Ok, so I am partial to Loch's 'cause he's in the fort! I hope he likes it (& it isn't too much trouble to rearrange for you)!
& please yes, please elaborate on the terrible twos.
xoxo Tatter
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