X-try! X-try! Read All About It!!

6:30 AM: Lochlain wakes up; calls for Daddy half-heartedly, is ignored.
6:46 AM: Ramping up his enthusiasm, Lochlain calls more forcefully for Daddy - is ignored.
6:47 AM: Lochlain now yelling for Daddy; Mommy "suggests" I get up before Seanie is awakened and I have two children to deal with.
6:49 AM: I get up, change Lochlain, and take him downstairs for milk and Wiggles.
7:00 AM - 9:30 AM: The usual morning routines of TV, cuddling, playing, breakfast, and wrestling; Mommy and Sean come down at some point.
9:45 AM: Lochlain announces to Daddy "Lochlain gonna go potty"; we go to downstairs bathroom where Elmo Training Potty is located.
9:46 AM: Daddy pulls down Lochlain's pants and sits him on the potty, still with diaper on; Lochlain tells Daddy "No Daddy, Lochlain gonna go potty" and kicks pants off totally while pulling at diaper.
9:46:30 AM: Daddy realizes this is the real deal; takes diaper off.
9:46:35 AM: Daddy realizes that the Elmo Training Potty has inadequate urination shielding; mentally and emotionally prepares for the worst.
9:46:45 AM: Lightbulb appears over Daddy's head; positions used diaper for optimal deflection; yells for Mommy to get new diaper and wipes stat.
9:47 AM: Lochlain shifts in chair trying to get comfortable; Daddy has flashes of Lochlain running around house, crapping all over.
9:48 AM: Lochlain "releases the hounds" on potty - no urination; Daddy breathes sigh of relief; Mommy claps; Seanie drools.
9:49 AM: Clean-up detail and mini-celebration; Mommy asks etiquette on picture taking for posterity; Daddy puts the kibosh on that.
10:00 AM: Phone calls go out - Lochlain tells Memar and Poppy: (hushed voice) "lochlain go poopy" (yells)"ON THE POTTY!"; refuses to talk to anyone else on the phone for the rest of the day.
12:10 PM: Mommy buys new training potty that touts, among other features, a "detachable deflector"; Daddy breathes second sigh of relief.
Of course, Seanie watched it all with an odd fascination - he even appeared to be cheering his brother on at one point. Seanie loves his jumper seat - we just started putting him in it recently. He'll laugh and smile (more than usual) in it - not that this video is any evidence of that (kudos to Bean on the camera work - though that creepy sign-off slightly disturbs me):
Have you noticed that the subject matters of your postings tend to run towards the scatalogical? I guess it makes sense in this case, but still, with all these poop jokes, you'd think you were sponsored by National Lampoon.
Congratulations to Lochlain! Keep on Crappin'!
HURRAY LOCHLAIN!!! I am so proud of you! Congratulations! Is it weird that I think I'm going to cry?
Seanie - you're so cute.
Alright! That's awesome!
Poopies on the potty is the superbest! You're Number 1! Well, actually, you're number 2!
I am happy to celebrate this milestone...congratualtions to you all, and my best wishes for further potty experiences. Feath should quickly create a line of greeting cards for this occasion as I believe it may be the only non-marketed idea yet.
P-O-T-T-Y! Nice post! I'm a big fan of this moment "9:46:45 AM: Lightbulb appears over Daddy's head; positions used diaper for optimal deflection; yells for Mommy to get new diaper and wipes stat."
I hope my little Lochlain a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
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