Visitors, Valentines, and....Vaseline?!?
Acutally, it was the reverse. Earlier this month, I went out to pickup pizza as I do every Sunday evening - it's a 20 minute trip. During my absence on the evening in question, Lochlain apparently got into a big jar of vaseline and smeared it all over himself - making him look like this:
Bean tried her best to clean it up whilst I was gone (luckily, he had only gotten it all over himself and not the walls, rug, or furniture), but it was impossible to get it out of his hair - even after 5 separate washings. He ended up looking like this for the next few days:
Then my brother Rich, his fiancee Cass, and their daughter Carter came to stay with us for an extended weekend. Rich has documented most of the details of the visit here. My littlest sister Heather came for a night (with her two friends Shannon and Bea) on her way thru to Tennessee and she has some pictures here. Lochlain seemed quite taken with Bea - there are no pictures, though, as Feather was quite jealous. I recall her saying something along the lines that it was bad enough that Gailsie was Carter's favorite, but now some relative stranger was garnering Loch's favor as well.....I just hope everyone made it back to NY in one piece.
Acutally, it was the reverse. Earlier this month, I went out to pickup pizza as I do every Sunday evening - it's a 20 minute trip. During my absence on the evening in question, Lochlain apparently got into a big jar of vaseline and smeared it all over himself - making him look like this:

Then my brother Rich, his fiancee Cass, and their daughter Carter came to stay with us for an extended weekend. Rich has documented most of the details of the visit here. My littlest sister Heather came for a night (with her two friends Shannon and Bea) on her way thru to Tennessee and she has some pictures here. Lochlain seemed quite taken with Bea - there are no pictures, though, as Feather was quite jealous. I recall her saying something along the lines that it was bad enough that Gailsie was Carter's favorite, but now some relative stranger was garnering Loch's favor as well.....I just hope everyone made it back to NY in one piece.
Carter and Loch in a kitchen cabinet

Dueling Strollers

Photographic Evidence that: 1) Ryan was here;

Dueling Strollers
Then, 2 days later after they left, Loch and Sean's Uncle John and Aunt Neese came down with cousins Dominick and Ryan. Lochlain had lots of fun with his visitors:

Loch and Dom playing "Driving"

Photographic Evidence that: 1) Ryan was here;
Seanie was happy to see his godfather
We were happy to see everyone and had an excellent time - but it was a nice nappy, lazy Sunday here in Greensboro once we returned to the status quo. Of course, that meant things like Elephanthead and Bath Boy Wonder:

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: "Oh wow, that's super!", "I want" (e.g. "I want juice" or "I want cracker")
SEAN'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada
dadadadadadadadadadadadada - ma (gives raspberry for 5 minutes straight).
We were happy to see everyone and had an excellent time - but it was a nice nappy, lazy Sunday here in Greensboro once we returned to the status quo. Of course, that meant things like Elephanthead and Bath Boy Wonder:

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: "Oh wow, that's super!", "I want" (e.g. "I want juice" or "I want cracker")
SEAN'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada
dadadadadadadadadadadadada - ma (gives raspberry for 5 minutes straight).