I Got A Rock
It's that time of year: ghosts, goblins, and ghoulies - and whatever the hell Charlie Brown was
supposed to be. Which brings me to my current dilemma - y'see, Charlie Brown's crappy Halloween costume (I know it was supposed to be a sheet ghost - but with all those eyeholes it always gave me the impression of some sort of limbless dalmation - or maybe a Shmoo that got one too many caps popped in his @$$ - but anyway) resulted in less-than-spectacular loot for his Trick-Or-Treat bag (e.g. "I got a rock"). How does this affect me? Well, when I pimp Lochlain out next Tuesday on Halloween to get me some candy, I need to make sure that his costume is going to be a candy GO-Getter, not a NO-Getter.
That's where you come in, blog fans. You will vote on his costume. You will get your friends to vote on his costume. They will get their friends to vote on his costume. And so on. And so on. And so on. Just leave a comment below with your choice (no write-ins, wise guys) - if you aren't clever enough to figure out how to do that, then I don't really think I can trust your opinion anyway. I'll update the site daily with a nice pie chart (mmmm, pie). Your choices are:
I had trouble getting a good pic of Loch with the Flash mask on - click the link to see why. Blogger's Note: The movie Run, Lochlain, Run! did not transfer well to Google Video or YouTube. I will burn a copy for Thanksgiving viewing (it is a 10 MB file) - but if you saw my "Director's Cut", I think the Flash costume would be a shoo-in.
Also - this just in: Loch looks like his Uncle Richie as a kid. Make of that what you will.
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: "NEVER!" - said to Mommy mostly with prompting from Daddy; "Watch Wiggles" and "Wiggle Video" - repeated over and over again to Daddy since discovering them this week.

That's where you come in, blog fans. You will vote on his costume. You will get your friends to vote on his costume. They will get their friends to vote on his costume. And so on. And so on. And so on. Just leave a comment below with your choice (no write-ins, wise guys) - if you aren't clever enough to figure out how to do that, then I don't really think I can trust your opinion anyway. I'll update the site daily with a nice pie chart (mmmm, pie). Your choices are:

I had trouble getting a good pic of Loch with the Flash mask on - click the link to see why. Blogger's Note: The movie Run, Lochlain, Run! did not transfer well to Google Video or YouTube. I will burn a copy for Thanksgiving viewing (it is a 10 MB file) - but if you saw my "Director's Cut", I think the Flash costume would be a shoo-in.
Also - this just in: Loch looks like his Uncle Richie as a kid. Make of that what you will.
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: "NEVER!" - said to Mommy mostly with prompting from Daddy; "Watch Wiggles" and "Wiggle Video" - repeated over and over again to Daddy since discovering them this week.
I don't know. I know that you are partial to The Flash, but I'm kinda diggin the Superman costume. I think it might be the cape - and the fact that he's carrying a spoon. He could me "Soup-erman"! I don't know if that's a good joke, but I laughed. Your kids may just be the most precious things I've ever seen. LOVE Loch's words of the week. Love you guys!
Tough one. I think the Supe costume LOOKS better. But you apparently are less concerned with overall aesthetics and more concerned about the bottom line, as in filling candy buckets. I'd go with the Flash, then, because after this year's movie, every other boy is going to be running around as Clark Kent's alter ego.
My vote is for Flash - and yours might be too once you see the movie I made of him running around in the Flash costume. Now if only we could get him to use the mask.
Flash, but only if the mask works out.
If not, I'm in for Superman--with Seanie as Clark Kent! Sweet!
I say SOUPERMAN. Look at how masterful he looks in that costume!
Until he can stand with his arms crossed like the Flash I think that costume should wait.
Superman has it... I think it is the red and blue motif... Happily he is a handsome young man and does not look like his father! (just kidding, but I am still angry at John for leaving me)
Uncle Enrico
Dad's vote is for Flash. He thinks the Flash suit is very "Captain Marvel look alike".
Anyhoo, I thought you'd like the input.
The Flash definitely! Blonde hair=Barry Allen! Anyway every kid and his brother will be Superman and The Flash costume is great, even w/out the mask!
Flash - if the mask works out; Souperman looks better though w/o the mask :)
-btw, also still mad that this is happening so far away :(
-Rayna - I think that superman looks like a better overall costume, however a mask for Flash would probably change my opinion. Love you guys.
My vote is for Flash...the video sold me on it, plus I think there will be a lot of superman's and uniqueness sells. Although I don't think Loch will have trouble getting candy no matter which he wears. Also if you really want to capitalize on candy volume make sure you give Sean a candy bag, and you can always have Loch ask "Can I have one for my Daddy" :)
Definitely Superman, Mr. Pezman.
We miss you, Jackson.
i'm with heather, my votes for flash if you can get the mask to work. otherwise it's superman all the way....but maybe seanie can be the stay-puft marshmellow man? i know it's unrelated but you wanted a candy go-getter....why not double your chances?
love beth :)
p.s. when are you guys gonna pit-stop it in philly?
My vote is for Flash. Superman (or Souperman)has been done by many in the past (I even have a Superman cake pan!). Flash is a bit more unique, however, I'm doubting you will get the mask on him....they're too hot and that thin elastic sting hurts after awhile. Definitely send Loch with an extra trick-or-treat bag for baby Sean. That's always the key to getting extra candy. Then Daddy can eat it since Sean has no teeth!
A Neese thinks that Superman is the way to go, but, if you'd like, I have an infant Superman for Seannee and Dangerboy can be Flash. He is speedy enough to make it work w or w/o the mask. Love you and miss you all.
The Flash costume is great, with or without the mask.
Kevin Ferry
The claw says "SUPERMAN"
Susan--My vote is for Superman! What a cutie! Kind of reminds of when my brother around Loch's age thought he could fly and jumped off his bed...he learned quickly that he couldn't fly...has had a bum arm ever since. Anyways.....
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