Aunt Marv Doesn't Smell Like Cats...... that alone should make her happy. But no, she needs this blog updated regularly as well. Well, then this should make her ecstatic. Look! It's Seanie!!!!!

He is the happiest little baby I ever saw. He's like that practically 24/7. And now, at a smidge over 4 months old, he can pull himself up to a upright sitting position - without using any handholds! Recently, Bean and I were doing our man-to-man defense on the kids, and I had Sean. Well, I had to go "drop the kids off at the pool" - if you know what I mean - so I just plopped Seanie Bear in his bouncy (that's what we call the inclined/reclined seat that you lay babies in) opposite me whilst I did my business. I had to move fast, so I didn't bother to strap him in - "He's not going anywhere" I tell myself. I then watch in horrific fascination as he just rises up halfway out the bouncy seat like some happy vampire. "Beany!" I cried helplessly. "Help!!" (Because I was helpless, you see). So she rushes over and sees Sean sitting up in his bouncy seat and figures I put him in the seat in some strange way as to aid and abet this "crime" - after all, I didn't strap him in, did I? So I vehemently protest that the kid did it all by himself with his incredibly ripped abs. Now, we decide to experiment (especially since while I have "dropped Sean and Loch off at the pool", they decided to bring all their cousins from both sides of the family along - so I'm gonna be here awhile). So Bean lays him out in the bouncy - but doesn't strap him in. And 30 seconds later, up rises Count Sean-ula! So then we strap him in, and dang if that kid didn't at least TRY to sit up - but he couldn't due to the restraints. Good times, Good times.
We recently got the kids school pictures back (taken a month ago) - have a looksee:

The other thing worth mentioning is our first visitors who came by last Sunday (11/12)! A former colleague of mine from my old job at Middle Country CSD came by with his wife Bea, daughter Katherine, and her boyfriend Will. They were all scouting the area for potential moves and a great time was had by all - but Kevin Ferry (& family) became our FIRST OFFICIAL VISITOR(S)[ Bloggers Note: Denise's presence here did not constitute a visit]!!! They win nothing, other than bragging rights.
We also have this Blast From The Past team-up shot of Lochlain & me (and newborn Baby Gailsie), courtesy of Heather "Feather" Meagher (you should check out her photos here):
And speaking of blasts from the past - Lochlain has taken somewhat of a shine to one of my favorite childhood toys - shown here:
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Last time, I told you about "kissy" - well now, when Lochlain gets in trouble, he will try to get out of it by saying "kissy" while trying to pull you in for kisses, followed up by "Hugs!" (sometimes with pats on the back "Pat, pat, pat"). He will also use "Shhhh" (w/a forefinger raised to his lips) in proper context - like when he wants me or Bean to shut up. He will preface things with "I want" like "I want binky" or "I want cookie" and will sing ALL of "Happy Birthday" and most of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
SEAN'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Well, there are no words. But boy, does this kid coo. He'll "ooh" your ear off and when you can't take anymore, he'll just "ooh" to himself in the mirror.
We recently got the kids school pictures back (taken a month ago) - have a looksee:

The other thing worth mentioning is our first visitors who came by last Sunday (11/12)! A former colleague of mine from my old job at Middle Country CSD came by with his wife Bea, daughter Katherine, and her boyfriend Will. They were all scouting the area for potential moves and a great time was had by all - but Kevin Ferry (& family) became our FIRST OFFICIAL VISITOR(S)[ Bloggers Note: Denise's presence here did not constitute a visit]!!! They win nothing, other than bragging rights.
We also have this Blast From The Past team-up shot of Lochlain & me (and newborn Baby Gailsie), courtesy of Heather "Feather" Meagher (you should check out her photos here):

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Last time, I told you about "kissy" - well now, when Lochlain gets in trouble, he will try to get out of it by saying "kissy" while trying to pull you in for kisses, followed up by "Hugs!" (sometimes with pats on the back "Pat, pat, pat"). He will also use "Shhhh" (w/a forefinger raised to his lips) in proper context - like when he wants me or Bean to shut up. He will preface things with "I want" like "I want binky" or "I want cookie" and will sing ALL of "Happy Birthday" and most of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
SEAN'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Well, there are no words. But boy, does this kid coo. He'll "ooh" your ear off and when you can't take anymore, he'll just "ooh" to himself in the mirror.
I almost spit my coffee out of my mouth when I checked the blog this morning! This needs to be updated regularly, or I go through the "DT's". I LOVE Sean's bib!! The pictures are hilarious - did Loch pose himself on the rock. What is the fascination with the plastic spoons? I can't wait to see you guys - I ove you! And no, I do not smell like cats (what a relief!)
Alright! Nice shirts in the school pics! Someone with great taste picked those out...I hope your bowels are better.
And Lochlain better be giving some pats when he gets home, cuz you know Dad's gonna run into a corner and hide with baby Sean!
Love, Feather
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