My Two Sons
We've all been sick lately (thankfully at varying times), so there's been little time to post - couple that with the fact that our trusty camera has given up the ghost, and there hasn't been anything TO post even if I had the time.
But, Bean's birthday is coming up, so she got a new camera for her birthday and we have once again have photos and video to go along with the amusing anecdotes....
Lochlain is potty training right now. It is not going as well as we could've hoped. Loch at some points fears the toilet (all toilets in general) in the same way that he feared the corner of the bathtub. Most times, he just does not want to go. So we have to use a combination of various things to get him to go:
1) Potty Pills (aka Reese Pieces): I give him the yellow ones to make the pishes (urine) come out, and the brown ones for poop (feces). Orange is to keep him on the potty. He will only get 6 maximum in a sitting, but we keep it to about 3 or 4.
2) Bathroom Cars: We have a sleeve of toy Hot Wheels cars in the bathroom - Loch gets a new car each time he goes to the bathroom successfully and doesn't get a different reward (e.g. Potty Pills, no beatings with a wooden spoon, etc)
3) Little Einsteins Pat-Pat Rocket: This is sitting on the dining room table. Still in the box. I point it out to Lochlain all the time. All he has to do is go on the potty - without Mommy and Daddy prompting. It has been there for weeks. It will be there for weeks going forward.
Here is a recent potty session I got on video:
Sean (and Loch) has a The Little Gym class every Saturday morning he goes to with Bean. Turns out he is quite the gifted gymnast (for a 1 year old). He is still not talking (he makes noise) very well yet. He will answer with head nods if you ask him if he is hungry, thirsty, or ready for a nap / bedtime. He makes the "more" sign in sign language when he wants more. And he is fascinated with his brother's potty. So much so, that he stuck his head in it once after Loch went pishes. I'm glad I was not home at the time.
I love this thing - it's like 2 cups in 1! A double dose of creamy peanut butter surrounded by rich milk chocolate - and washed down with a big glass of ice cold whole milk - not the skim or 2% crap. But I have to always buy two, to duplicate the experience of regular Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. In fact, they should get rid of the old cups and just package the BIG CUP as the new standard.
The Thing Bean Wants You to Know: That Lochlain loves The Sound of Music. Especially that Do-Re-Mi song.
But, Bean's birthday is coming up, so she got a new camera for her birthday and we have once again have photos and video to go along with the amusing anecdotes....
Lochlain is potty training right now. It is not going as well as we could've hoped. Loch at some points fears the toilet (all toilets in general) in the same way that he feared the corner of the bathtub. Most times, he just does not want to go. So we have to use a combination of various things to get him to go:
1) Potty Pills (aka Reese Pieces): I give him the yellow ones to make the pishes (urine) come out, and the brown ones for poop (feces). Orange is to keep him on the potty. He will only get 6 maximum in a sitting, but we keep it to about 3 or 4.
2) Bathroom Cars: We have a sleeve of toy Hot Wheels cars in the bathroom - Loch gets a new car each time he goes to the bathroom successfully and doesn't get a different reward (e.g. Potty Pills, no beatings with a wooden spoon, etc)
3) Little Einsteins Pat-Pat Rocket: This is sitting on the dining room table. Still in the box. I point it out to Lochlain all the time. All he has to do is go on the potty - without Mommy and Daddy prompting. It has been there for weeks. It will be there for weeks going forward.
Here is a recent potty session I got on video:
Sean (and Loch) has a The Little Gym class every Saturday morning he goes to with Bean. Turns out he is quite the gifted gymnast (for a 1 year old). He is still not talking (he makes noise) very well yet. He will answer with head nods if you ask him if he is hungry, thirsty, or ready for a nap / bedtime. He makes the "more" sign in sign language when he wants more. And he is fascinated with his brother's potty. So much so, that he stuck his head in it once after Loch went pishes. I'm glad I was not home at the time.

The Thing Bean Wants You to Know: That Lochlain loves The Sound of Music. Especially that Do-Re-Mi song.
Wow does that bring back memories!! It seems that this time will last forever, but finally he will learn and whatever tricks you can use to help him, go for it!! Hope everyone is feeling better.
It's the POTTY TIME FAMILY BAND! Seanie reminds me of those Hawaiian luau dudes who bang on a drum while there's fire shooting around and ladies hula dancing. He's very focused. And the kazoo to call the pishies out--genius!
Alright, Loch! Let's get it done!
I don't know about you, but I almost wet myself while reading Feather's comment. I love those boys. I'm sure that Sully wouldn't mind if we had a potty in the living room. I will never look at Reese's Pieces quite the same way again.
Love you guys so much!!
Aunt Marv
There is definately something to be said for going pottie out in the open. Some people have to read to get'er going on the pottie, but young Loch likes music...I love it!
Too cute! Seanie's hair is finally starting to come in! Good luck w/ potty training! I'm glad to hear that you guys are feeling better!
xoxo Tatter
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