The Mystery of the Spooky Bathtub
Now that Sean is home, the Bean and I split to a man-to-man type of defense (as opposed to a zone defense - though that is used on the rare occasion). I cover Lochlain mostly, which includes baths. Loch loves his baths. Or rather, USED to love his baths. Two weeks ago, he hated getting in the bath. Actually, hate is a weak word. He FREAKED OUT when getting in our downstairs bathtub - when placed in, he would scoop out all his toys, cry, scream "No no nononono......" and point in one particular corner of the bathtub - seemingly at the corner of the bathmat that was in the tub (we did not tell Aunt Gail this so when she tried to give him a bath of her own volition, the same thing happened to her & Uncle Joe). Soooo, problem solved. I got a nice new bathmat - "Daddy fix!" Well, I did say seemingly earlier. I got Loch ready for his bath, showed him the nnew mat, and -bang!- it was worse than ever! He freaked out even more - screamed bloody murder. It was so bad, Bean had to put Sean down and run (best as she could) for the bath. The only thing that calmed him down (though he did not stop crying) was Daddy stripping down to his boxers and getting in the bath with him, while Mommy held his hands. Then, when getting out of the bath, he did something else out of character. Normally, he does not like to have his head covered (hat, hoods, etc.) and does not like the hooded towels that babies/toddlers use. This time, he had to have his head covered, and REFUSED to take the towel off his head, even after he was dried, diapered, and changed into his sleepwear. He then proceeded to walk around real slowly with a VERY serious look on his face which made Mommy laugh so much, she popped her stitches a little bit. This is what he looked like (though the picture does not convey his gravitas):
Pope? Klansman? Superhero? Let me know.......but just so you know, it has been theorized that we have a ghost in our downstairs bathtub. Loch now takes his baths in our upstairs tub, and all is almost back to normal (except for the part where Daddy at this point still has to get in the tub with him......but we're working on that).

Seriously, he's too cute! Although I'm sure that his behavior causes you no small amount of distress, I burst out laughing while reading your account of the experience.
Like, zoinks!
Ghosties are no good.
Kids are scary.
poor little guy! but ya gotta love the toweled head. (perhaps he saw a spider?...that would make me scream.)
zone defense LOL
man I love reading this
keep it goin'
Loch is adorable! Sorry about the bath tub trouble. I give you a lot of credit for getting into the "haunted" tub!!
Glad to have the blog so we can keep in touch with y'all.
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