SeanWatch - Days 96 & 97
Sean Richard is a little over 3 months old, so when you combine that with a mild case of thrush (again), you get a 3 month check-up this past Friday! Sean is now a very healthy 13.5 lbs and 24 inches tall, putting in the 50th and 75th percentiles for weight and height respectively. He also got 4 (count 'em, 1-2-3-4) shots and a 5th oral "shot"-thingy; he took 'em like a champ! The doctor also said that Seanie-boy is doing great with holding his head up and being on his tummy. Bean & I have noticed that Sean is following (pretty much literally) in his brother's footsteps in terms of wanting to stand all the time - he's got powerful little legs!

Of course, you cannot mention the Fall Festival without mentioning the tractor display (OK, it was just 2 tractors). Since we are living in NC, I just wanted an idea about what it would like if Loch went the agriculture route - the results are below, though I am sorry that we didn't dress him differently (coveralls, straw hat). If only we knew there would be tractors there.......

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Loch will call Mommy a "Hot Mama" (with some prompting from Daddy, natch). He will often point to his heinie and say "Poopy" or "Poopies", sometimes before elimination, mostly after the deed has been done. Can YOU say "Potty-training-in-my- future"?

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: Loch will call Mommy a "Hot Mama" (with some prompting from Daddy, natch). He will often point to his heinie and say "Poopy" or "Poopies", sometimes before elimination, mostly after the deed has been done. Can YOU say "Potty-training-in-my- future"?
I LOVE these updates!!!
Sean is getting so big and I started laughing at the biting bit!!
hah! tiny loch, big tractor. hah!
Sean's head looks smaller. He's very handsome.
Sounds like you all are getting involved in your NC town and all its happenings! Hope you are happy there.
Your boys are growing so fast - and they are handsome too.
Love the updates.
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