Captain Loch And The Lochmen
I know, I know. I owe you a Sean entry - but Mommy is not cooperating (that will make more sense when I do the posting I have in mind) and let's face it, all the kid does is eat, poop, and sleep. There are no spooky bathtubs, no startling developments, no growth in the vocabulary (which prompts a new feature - LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK [see below]), no rides on a carousel, no foiled robberies (or successful ones, for that matter), etc.
Anyway, a few months back, my Dad got into the habit of calling Loch "Captain Loch", likening his activity and attitude to that of an adventurer a la Doc Savage (go here to figure out who that is) . As Doc Savage had his "Fabulous Five", so "Captain Loch" should have his "Lochmen", whom my father had decided in his head should be me, my brother, and a bunch of our longtime friends from childhood (prompting one of my well-known family quotes: "I'm not his sidekick, he's my sidekick!"). Dad even went so far as trying to commission a piece of artwork from one of the aforementioned longtime friends (artist extraordinaire Bobb Decker), which after a slight concept change, turned out like so:
Personally, I love the depiction of Rich as The Graduate Student - the nightgown, nightcap, and slippers are quite fetching (do all doctoral candidates dress like that?)! This one-ups Captain Loch & the Lochmen because it has Carter in it teaming with Loch - giving off a Wondertwins vibe; I am not my son's sidekick; and the aforementioned Rich-in-a-dress-and-pointy-hat-look.
LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: brother ("Lift it up, brotha!"), buddy, am-i-nals / animals
Anyway, a few months back, my Dad got into the habit of calling Loch "Captain Loch", likening his activity and attitude to that of an adventurer a la Doc Savage (go here to figure out who that is) . As Doc Savage had his "Fabulous Five", so "Captain Loch" should have his "Lochmen", whom my father had decided in his head should be me, my brother, and a bunch of our longtime friends from childhood (prompting one of my well-known family quotes: "I'm not his sidekick, he's my sidekick!"). Dad even went so far as trying to commission a piece of artwork from one of the aforementioned longtime friends (artist extraordinaire Bobb Decker), which after a slight concept change, turned out like so:

LOCH'S WORDS OF THE WEEK: brother ("Lift it up, brotha!"), buddy, am-i-nals / animals
Puppy. Bubble. Puh-pee. Buh-bul.
My impressions.
great blog entry! loving the comicbook
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