I've been after Bean to submit something for a while - and now, here it is (y'know, if this works out, I'm going to see if other people want to submit Loch/Sean entries):
So Lochlain went to the doctor for his 3 year old checkup. His last non-sick doctor visit (other then flu shot) was at age 2 and what a difference a year makes! At age 2, I carried Loch into the examining area, undressed him, stood him on the scale and so on. At age 3, Loch stood up when his name was called and followed the nurse back (leaving Mommy to gather up the jackets and bags and such) without so much as a look to see if I was coming! He sat down and took off his own shoes and socks, almost taking out an eye in the process but still…. and stood very tall and still on the scale, then over to the wall to get measured for height. The Lochinator now weighs a hefty 38 lbs. and is approx 39.5 inches tall – both in the 90th percentile. He then proceeded to get his first eye exam by standing at the line and “reading” the shapes on the chart. The nurse was surprised by how well he followed instruction (as was I) especially when he understood to cover one eye and continue to the next line. I was very proud as he confidently shouted out: “Circle! Heart! Triangle!” …until he got to the very small print and it now become clear that he couldn’t see it too well and was just making (stuff) up: “Uhhh…circle? Uhhh…house? Uhhh…car?” All in all he did great and his eye sight is just fine. Next was the very long wait for the doctor and Loch and I read books and made up a game jumping on the colored squares on the floor. The doctor came in and did his thing and Loch was very compliant and was very talkative, admiring how shiny his “scep-o-scope” was - just like a star. Last came his last official shot (I am told) until Kindergarten, which he took like a champ even though “it very very hurt (me)”. Once we got back to daycare he impressed all the ladies by showing off his Scooby-Doo band-aid. Chicks dig scars!!
Seanie has become our new entertainer – mostly doing Wiggles cover songs and adding his own flavor to the dance moves. I love to hide behind the door and watch him go! He also likes to be the big man on campus (or Little Gym) and while the other kids are still a little unsure and may cling to Mom or Dad, my Seanie runs right up and gives the teacher a high five, or two (hey - if the other kid isn’t going to take their turn why should it be wasted?). He is usually also the first in line to try the skill of the week – though sometimes turns tail and runs when he sees what it actually is, he just likes to be first in line. There has been much brotherly love in the Meagher house these days! Loch has taken to sticking up for his little brother “Daddy, Seanie no get time out!” and reminding Mommy and Daddy that “Seanie is just a little tiny baby” pinching his fingers down and peeking between them. Too cute – also the hugs and kisses and declarations of “I love my baby brother” are just music to Mommy’s ears – too bad he forgets all this when it is time to share his Diego Animal Rescue Center set!
Thanks, Beany! Now, we were trying to get video of Seanie doing this song/dance number that Bean refers to in her entry, but he hasn't been cooperative on that front lately. Also, as Loch as turned 3, we have been in the midst of totally re-doing his room, including a BIG BOY BED - much like his cousin Carter. Now, it will be finished soon (Daddy hasn't hung all the wall decorations yet nor has Mommy picked out the new blinds), but his mattress and boxspring came today and so he moved back into his room (don't worry - it will all be explained in an upcoming entry) and into his bed. Can you guess the theme?

So, I was speaking to Bean tonight and realized how much I miss you all. I cannot believe how big the boys are getting. A BIG BOY bed - and I heard that he goes right to bed with no issues! You guys are awesome parents! Give kisses to the boys for me and I'll see you soon!!
all right! big boy bed! what could be cooler? i can't wait to see seanie rocking and rolling. i have been to the doctor a lot the past couple of weeks, but no one gave me a cool band aid. great guest blogging, bean!
you're a star!
WOW! What a BIG boy Lochlain is! Alex should be getting his big boy bed soon, too.
I love the stories about Sean--Jeanine should write more often! No offense, John :P
new post. it's been, like, a month! where is my seanie's voice? where is my lochlain? they grow so fast! i've missed a whole month!
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